Managed Cyber Security Services | Protect Your Organisation

Managed Cyber Security Services

In the modern digital landscape, cyber security is essential for protecting organisational data and maintaining trust. At abtec, we are dedicated to delivering advanced cyber security services that safeguard your systems, networks, and data from the ever-evolving threats.

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Choose abtec to secure your systems

Our approach to cyber security is centred around proactive defence and fast strategic response, ensuring that your organisation is equipped to handle potential cyber threats effectively.

Our expert team leverages state-of-the-art technology and industry-leading practices to create security frameworks that are not only resilient but also adaptable to the changing nature of cyber threats.

By partnering with abtec, you gain access to specialised expertise and tailored solutions that ensure your digital environments are secure, your data integrity is maintained, and your operations can proceed without the threat of disruption.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security involves the strategies, technologies, and processes designed to protect:

  • Systems
  • Networks
  • Programs
  • Devices
  • Data

Effective cyber security services reduces the risk of cyber attacks and protects organisations from digital attacks, damage, or unauthorised access and exploitation.

Robust cyber security is fundamental to maintaining business continuity, protecting customer data, and safeguarding your organisation's reputation. By integrating best practices with cutting-edge technology, abtec ensures that your systems are fortified against both current and emerging security challenges.

Our focus extends beyond immediate threat mitigation to long-term security resilience, helping you navigate the complexities of the digital world with confidence and integrity.

Does my organisation need Cyber Security Services?

Realistically, in the modern digital era that we’re in, all organisations require some level of Cyber Security. Evaluating several key aspects of your operations and infrastructure can help to guide your considerations of implementing cyber security measures:

Handling Sensitive Data Icon

Handling Sensitive Data

If your organisation processes, stores, or transmits sensitive information such as personal data, financial details, or proprietary information, cyber security services are indispensable to protect this data from unauthorised access and breaches.

Digital Network Usage Icon

Digital Network Usage

Evaluate the extent to which your operations rely on digital networks. If your organisation’s operations are interconnected through internet-based platforms or networks, the risk of cyber threats increases, requiring strong cyber security defences.

Dependence on Computer Systems Icon

Dependence on Computer Systems

Consider the role of computer systems in your daily operations. Organisations that heavily rely on computer systems for their core processes are at greater risk of cyber disruptions and attacks.

Regulatory Requirements Icon

Regulatory Requirements

Check if there are specific regulatory requirements for data protection and cyber security in your industry. Many sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and education, have stringent regulations that mandate certain levels of cyber security measures.

Frequency of Cyber Threats Icon

Frequency of Cyber Threats

Assess the threat landscape in your industry. If there are frequent incidents of cyber attacks within your sector, it is a clear indicator that your organisation needs to adopt enhanced cyber security measures.

Remote Work Capabilities Icon

Remote Work Capabilities

With the increase in remote and hybrid working, assess how your employees access company resources. If remote access is common, ensuring the security of these connections is important to prevent potential security breaches.

Previous Security Incidents Icon

Previous Security Incidents

If your organisation has experienced cyber incidents in the past, it's necessary to not only address those issues but also strengthen your overall cyber security stance to prevent future occurrences.

Intellectual Property Risks Icon

Intellectual Property Risks

If your organisation owns intellectual property that could be a target for cyber espionage or theft, implementing strong cyber security measures is essential to safeguard your assets.

What’s Included in Our Cyber Security Services?

abtec offers a comprehensive suite of cyber security services, designed to address a wide range of security needs for any organisation. Here’s what you can expect when you choose abtec as your cyber security partner:

Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

With accredited assessors on our team, abtec simplifies the journey towards certification. We conduct in-depth audits of your cyber security practices, recommend necessary modifications, and guide you through the entire certification process, ensuring you meet the standards required to safeguard your organisation.

Cyber Security Compliance

We work with your organisation to meet all required cyber security compliance standards, relevant to your industry and operations. We focus on aligning your cyber security measures with legal and regulatory requirements, helping you navigate complex compliance landscapes and avoid potential fines or legal issues.

Cyber Security Consultancy

Our consultancy services provide expert guidance tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're developing a new security strategy or enhancing existing protocols, our cyber security specialists offer their deep industry knowledge and experience to help you identify vulnerabilities, improve your security posture, and implement effective cyber security measures.

Network Security

We design and implement a range of security measures including advanced firewall configurations, intrusion detection systems, and secure network protocols. Our approach ensures that all data flowing through your networks is monitored and protected, preventing potential cyber threats from penetrating your digital environments.

IT Security Audits & Assessments

abtec conducts thorough security audits and assessments to evaluate your organisation's IT infrastructure, from network security to endpoint protection. By identifying strengths and weaknesses in your cyber security posture, we help you maintain robust defences and stay ahead of emerging threats through regular reviews and updates of your security practices.

Email Security

abtec's email security is designed to safeguard your organisation's email communications from external threats such as phishing, malware, and spear-phishing attacks. Our solutions include anti-spam measures, encryption to secure messages, and advanced threat protection mechanisms that identify and mitigate anything from basic to sophisticated attacks.

Penetration Testing

Our team of certified security experts simulates cyber-attacks on your networks, applications, and other critical systems using the same techniques employed by attackers. This proactive approach allows us to discover security weaknesses before they can be exploited maliciously. Following the tests, we provide a detailed report of our findings along with recommendations for improving your security measures.

Cyber Incident Response

In the event that your data is compromised or appears on the dark web, abtec's Cyber Incident Response team springs into action. Our experts manage the incident efficiently, contain the breach, and begin the recovery process to mitigate any potential damage. We also analyse the breach to improve future defences, thereby reducing the impact on your business operations and reputation.

Endpoint Security

abtec’s Managed Endpoint Security service provides extensive protection for all endpoints, including computers, mobile devices, and servers. We continuously monitor these endpoints for threats and vulnerabilities, offering rapid response and remediation to maintain the security integrity of your devices. This service provides defence against malware, ransomware, and other endpoint-targeted attacks.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Our MDR service offers 24/7 oversight of your networks and systems, detecting and responding to threats in real-time. abtec’s MDR solution uses advanced analytics and threat intelligence to identify suspicious activities and potential breaches, ensuring rapid containment and response to minimise downtime and security risks.

Information Protection

Information Protection ensures that your business data is secured against unauthorised access and leaks. We implement data classification, data loss prevention (DLP) strategies, and encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

EDR technology at abtec enhances our endpoint security capabilities by providing advanced detection and response solutions. It actively monitors endpoints for signs of malicious activities and responds automatically to threats. This technology significantly improves your organisation’s ability to respond to advanced cyber threats.

Encryption Solutions

We provide top-tier encryption solutions to protect sensitive and personal data within your organisation. Our encryption practices are designed to prevent unauthorised access and data breaches, securing your information across all platforms and devices.

Proactive Patching

Keeping your devices up-to-date is vital for ensuring security against the latest threats. Our proactive patching service automatically updates your systems with the latest security patches and software updates. This indispensable service is included in all our Managed IT support plans to maintain high levels of security consistently.

Managed Firewall

Our managed firewall services are designed to protect the integrity of your network traffic and sensitive data flow. We configure and maintain firewall settings to create a barrier against external threats while facilitating safe and smooth internal data exchanges.

Cyber Security Training Programs

Recognising that human error can often lead to security breaches, we provide extensive training for your teams. Our IT security training is crafted to educate your employees on best security practices and how to recognise potential security threats.

The benefits of Cyber Security Solutions

Discover how effective cybersecurity can protect and enhance your organisation.

Threat Protection Icon

Threat Protection

Effective cyber security measures safeguard organisations from a variety of digital threats, such as ransomware, phishing attacks, and other malicious activities. This protection is vital in preventing unauthorised access to sensitive data and ensuring that operations remain uninterrupted by cyber threats.

Regulatory Compliance Icon

Regulatory Compliance

Cyber security is essential for compliance with various legal and regulatory frameworks that govern data protection and privacy. Implementing adequate security measures ensures that organisations meet these requirements, avoiding potential fines and legal consequences from non-compliance.

Reputation and Trust Icon

Reputation and Trust

A strong cyber security stance enhances an organisation's reputation. Customers and partners place their trust in organisations that demonstrate a commitment to protecting sensitive information. Preventing security breaches helps maintain customer trust and loyalty, which are essential for long-term business success.

Operational Continuity Icon

Operational Continuity

Robust cyber security contributes to the overall reliability and stability of IT systems. By reducing the risk of disruptions caused by cyber incidents, educators, businesses, healthcare providers and non-profits can ensure continuous operation and service delivery, which is required for maintaining productivity and efficiency.

Cost Savings Icon

Cost Savings

Investing in cyber security can lead to significant cost savings. Effective security measures help prevent the high costs associated with data breaches, including system recovery, legal fees, penalties, and loss of trust. Proactive risk management also reduces the likelihood of expensive security incidents.

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A comprehensive cyber security strategy extends beyond technologies and systems; it involves cultivating a security-aware culture within the organisation. Regular training and awareness programs empower employees to recognise and mitigate potential security threats, reducing the risk of incidents caused by human error.

How Managed Cyber Security Works

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

The first step in our cyber security process involves a consultation to gain an understanding of your organisation's specific needs, existing infrastructure, and potential risks. During this, we engage with key stakeholders to gather detailed information about your organisation operations, current security measures, and any previous security issues. This allows us to identify critical assets and sensitive data that may be at risk.

Tailored Security Planning

Tailored Security Planning

Based on the insights gathered during the initial consultation, abtec develops a customised security plan tailored to the unique threats and challenges your organisation faces. This plan includes strategies ranging from securing endpoints and strengthening network defences to implementing advanced threat detection and response systems. Our goal is to create a security blueprint that addresses current vulnerabilities and anticipates future threats.

Implementation and Deployment

Implementation and Deployment

With a detailed security plan in place, we move to the implementation and deployment phase. This involves the efficient rollout of security measures across all aspects of your organisation’s digital footprint. We deploy security technologies and configure them to align with your specific operational needs. This includes setting up firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption protocols, and other critical security components.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Cyber security is an ongoing process. After the initial deployment, abtec engages in continuous monitoring of your security systems to ensure they are functioning as intended and providing the necessary protection. We utilise advanced monitoring tools to detect any unusual activities or potential breaches in real time. Regular security assessments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented measures and identify areas for improvement.

Industries we specialise in

abtec offers tailored cybersecurity solutions to various industries, recognising the unique challenges and needs of each sector. By addressing the particular vulnerabilities and compliance requirements of each industry, we ensure their operations and sensitive data are protected against the evolving landscape of cyber threats. This specialised approach not only enhances security but also supports the overall strategic objectives of organisations in these sectors. Here's how our cybersecurity expertise is applied across different industries:


Educational institutions face unique challenges such as maintaining open networks for learning while protecting against unauthorised access and cyber threats. abtec provides robust security solutions that include secure network configurations, endpoint protection for faculty and student devices, and comprehensive training programs to educate the eduction community on best cyber security practices. This ensures educational institutions can offer a safe digital learning environment and maintain the integrity of their digital resources.

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From startups to large enterprises, businesses are frequent targets for cyber attacks due to valuable financial and customer data. abtec helps businesses implement layered security strategies that protect critical assets and sensitive data. Our services include network security, real-time threat monitoring, and incident response solutions designed to detect and mitigate threats quickly. We also emphasise employee training and awareness to help businesses build a security-first culture, reducing the risk of breaches caused by human error.

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The healthcare industry requires stringent cyber security measures due to the sensitivity of patient data and the nature of healthcare services. abtec offers healthcare providers comprehensive cyber security frameworks that include data encryption, secure patient data management, and advanced threat detection systems. Our solutions ensure that healthcare organisations can protect patient information from cyber threats while maintaining compliance with health data protection regulations.

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Non-profit organisations often operate with limited resources, making them vulnerable to cyber threats but sometimes less equipped to handle them. abtec provides cost-effective cyber security solutions tailored for non-profits, enhancing their defences without straining their budgets. Our services for non-profits include basic cyber hygiene practices, secure communication channels, and data protection strategies that ensure donor and beneficiary information is safeguarded, thereby maintaining trust and compliance with data protection laws.

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Why choose abtec for Cyber Security Solutions?

Choosing abtec as your cyber security partner offers distinctive advantages that stem from our deep industry knowledge, innovative approaches, and commitment to securing your organisation's digital landscape. Here’s why abtec stands out in the field of cyber security:

Specialised Expertise

Our team of cyber security professionals are not only experts in their field but also continually trained on the latest security trends and technologies. This specialised expertise allows us to craft security solutions that are effective in countering current threats and proactive in anticipating and mitigating potential future vulnerabilities. Our experienced team understand the intricacies of cyber threats specific to your sector, allowing us to customise our approach to your unique security needs.

All-inclusive Cyber Security

Our approach to cyber security is holistic and integrated, covering all aspects of your organisation's security from endpoint defence to network protection, and from data integrity to disaster recovery planning. abtec’s cyber security solutions are comprehensive, including risk assessments, system hardening, real-time monitoring, and rapid incident response. This ensures a multi-layered security system that protects against various threats.

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Tailored Security Strategies

Understanding that every organisation has unique challenges and risks, abtec provides tailored cyber security strategies that align with your specific organisation objectives and regulatory requirements. We take the time to understand your operational landscape and create security solutions that fit perfectly with your organisational structure and workflow. This ensures that security enhancements do not disrupt operations but instead boost efficiency and productivity.

Commitment to Best Practices

abtec ensures that your cyber security solutions are not only effective but also compliant with national and international regulations. Whether it’s GDPR or any other regulatory standard specific to your industry, we ensure that your cyber defences meet or exceed these standards, protecting you from potential legal issues and fines.

Reliable and Trustworthy Partnership

Choosing abtec means partnering with a reliable and trustworthy cyber security provider. We are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients, offering consistent support and consultation to navigate the evolving cyber threat landscape. Our goal is to be your trusted advisor and partner in all aspects of cyber security, ensuring you can focus on growing your organisation with full confidence in the security of your digital resources.

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